Tuesday 12 May 2015

This is the initial basis of my contemporary illustration created on illustrator which will then be overlaid on a hand rendered version of this figure as well as added effects and fabrics/colours added to bring the illustration together.

Sunday 10 May 2015

Ranhe Plan

This is the range plan, with an added background of the Agender pop up store faded to add an over all neutral feeling to the board and reflects on the designs through simplicity and fabrics/colour.

Saturday 9 May 2015

illustration lineup
This is the lineup of illustrated designs that will feature on each of my design boards along side fabric swatches and technical flats with added textures.

Friday 8 May 2015

Techincal Flats

These are all the technical flat drawings for my designs in response to the trend 'Neurtois'.
focusing on layering and simple cuts to fully embody the theme of the trend, with a slight sportswear aesthetic to give the collection an genderless feel.

Book Cover

Simple book cover with the title to express the simplicity of the trend 

Thursday 7 May 2015

Final Fabric Board

This is the final colour, trim and fabric board which features the pantone references, as well as a selection of fabrics ranging from jersey through mesh and silk. Also, a selection of button and zips to tie the trend together.
fabric samples
Initial samples of fabric for the trend, neutral colours, and thread samples.

Thursday 16 April 2015

First Micro Trend Page

Second Micro Trend Page

Third Micro Trend Page


For each board I have produced I have added a brief description of what each board is meant to represent individually.  What I have found effective is the layout which I have kept persistent throughout the whole trend, using thin white lines to separate the images from each other and I think the layout is quite unique to myself and gives them my own touch.

Thursday 26 March 2015

First Macro Trend Page

Second Macro Trend Page

Third Macro Trend Page

The concept behind 'Transition' is the idea of embracing who you feel you are and documenting the change between one state of being to the other.  Whether this is through gender itself or self expression through clothing. 

Contradicting this is 'Enshroud', the idea is that although it should be important to express yourself in any way of life, there are those boundaries and criticisms which in effect prevent individuals from being able to do so. The literal term for enshroud has been a major contribution to identifying this trend. We saw Sia create this identity by hiding her appearance and feel this links in nicely. 

"Metamorphosis' relies again on the literal meaning along with applied relevance to the over all trend of gender identity and self expression. Whereas. it is mainly focusing on the concept of transition for those gender reassignment. The reason being is that I thought of ways in which to embody this and communicate it via fashion which I found to be quite creating and thought the word represented change very effectively. 

Title page for Neutrois Trend

For the title page, I decided upon using the a-gender logo as it was the first major piece of inspiration for the trend along with Faye Toogood's installation piece for Selfridges. What I found to be successful aesthetically and intellectually was applying the application of the definition of the titles to inform the viewer giving a better understanding of the concept. I inserted the thin white lines throughout to highlight certain areas of the images and the break them apart which could be seen as metaphorically breaking the gender stereotyping in society.

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Considered Font

When it came to deciding upon a font to best represent/coincide with my trend, I wanted to it to be quite soft in nature, but still have that sharp aspect which is why I decided upon 'Bauhaus Two' featured on Dafont which is the type at the bottom of the insert image. I have used this font throughout my trend mainly for the titles and for the inserted text, Helvetica Light Oblique which is the type at the top of the insert image.

Link: http://www.dafont.com/bauhaus-two.font

Thursday 19 March 2015

Faye Toogood crated the art and concept space surrounding the Agender movement based within Selfridges. She prides herself on creating unique and meaningful pieces based around unisex clothing. She talks about how corporate fashion has destroyed individuality and wants to reform the fashion industry and promote self expression and identity which I believe links in with the trend I am trying to identify within society. It is however not purely focused on the gender identity aspect which I have touched upon already, I do still believe that the trend is going to be promoting the abolishment of gender classified clothing and by introducing someone who is heavily involved in the agender pop up  store, would benefit the message im trying to articulate.

Link: http://t-o-o-g-o-o-d.com/
Casey Legler

Casey Legler is a retired female athlete turned male model. She is the first female to be signed exclusively under a male modelling agency. With the current wave of people stepping out and expressing themselves in new and unseen ways, it is very refreshing to see that society is accepting that people don't have to be categorised purely on their gender, because many do not conform to the stereotypical gender specific aesthetic.

Link: http://www.abc.net.au/7.30/content/2015/s4194232.htm

Still from the Devonte Hynes and Neneh Cherry - He She Me

The video was released through the online Selfridges store in response to their pop-up concession known as Agender. The co-director of the music video commented:

'The film is an evolving journey through a subtle push and pull between masculinity and femininity, captured entirely in one unbroken shot, utilising in-camera camera effects in a world populated by out-scaled physical props inspired by Faye Toogood's in store realisation of Agender. This film has come at a time when important conversations about gender fluidity and non-binary ways of being are finally getting a lot of attention.'

It depicts a diverse variety of individuals which make the video quite enticing and you can visually see what the aim of the video is, to promote and educate.


Tuesday 17 March 2015

These boards are in response to the initial Marco boards I created in regards to AGENDER. The titles being enshrouded meant to represent the stigma behind sexual identity and the idea of hiding your gender identity as its more about expressiveness being free of gender stereotyping. Transition to represent the literal meaning of changing from one state to another which is what the trend is all about, changing the mind set and typical view of gender typical clothing. Metamorphosis to represent the recognition the movement has had and to show growth and acceptance.

What I am going to take from these initial Micro boards is yet about the font, as well as some imagery as well as the titles as I feel they are effective word to represent the trend. As well as the layout.

Monday 16 March 2015

These boards were my initial response to the up coming trend which is AGENDER, focusing on bringing gender neutral clothing to life. However, these are not my final boards as they don't fully represent the message I would like to convey and feel there are better imagery that I could use to better represent the trend. Although, what I am going to transfer from these boards on to my better developed boards is the font used along with the layout style.

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Gender Identity within Fashion
Faye Toogood’s Sculpted Maquettes for Selfridges’ Agender project 

'Will genderless fashion change retail?' -  After reading this article, It is fairly clear that the market is there for a introduction of genderless fashion, however, there is still a lot of development and thought that needs to be put into the concept as there are many factors involved. (Sizing, Body types, age range). 

Something I found to be quite negative and untrue in this article, stating that the trend is being taken on by people with "super thin physiques", as I believe the whole idea is to promote a healthy mind set and abolish body shaming which works in par with gender shaming and sexuality shaming. 


Thursday 26 February 2015

Gender Identity within Fashion 

Launching in mid-March, a concept space created by designer Faye Toogood will span three floors of our Oxford Street store, offering customers a gender neutral shopping experience complete with non-gender specific collections of clothing and accessories.


Friday 20 February 2015

Macro Trend - Gender Identity within Fashion
Andrej Pejic for Gaultier 2011 Paris

For obvious reasons, I decided to insert a piece about the model Andrej Pejic in regards to my main focal point, the Marco-trend 'Gender Identity within Fashion', the reason being, Pejic has been a beacon over the past year for the trans community in regards to her prolific stand within the fashion industry being a model for both menswear and womenswear for some of the biggest fashion houses of recent times. She recently decided to follow her dream of transitioning to become a the women she's always felt she was. However, as she has always been associated with being non-gender conforming (non-gender specific), I believe for future reference I should research more into the models progression into fashion and how she identifies herself in greater detail as it will be beneficial for my trend.

Related Articles: 

Interview with Dazed - http://www.dazeddigital.com/projects/article/22458/1/73-andreja-pejic


Friday 6 February 2015

Humanity vs Earth


Over the past few years there have been discussions within Parliament as to whether they should introduce the controversial method of extracting natural gases to create electricity that is Fracking. The main issues are the affects the process has on the surrounding area as well as the contamination of drinking water.

Water contamination due to fracking

Thursday 5 February 2015

Gender Identity Within Fashion

Yolandi Vi$$er (Pitbull Terrier Video)

Yolandi Vi$$er is a member of the South African group known as Die Antwoord, consisting of herself, Ninja and DJ HI-TECH. They created this ethos known as ZEF which is a way of thinking to them and a way of expressing their own style and take on life. What interested me about the group is that they are always finding creative ways of breaking the boundaries of fashion and their interpretive style can be translated to this idea of identity within fashion as they are always trying to strip away the humanistic physical qualities to create a alien/genderless aesthetic.

 Yolandi Vi$$er

Ninja (Fatty Boom Boom)

Gender Identity Within Fashion

 Female In A-GENDER clothing

Selfridges are to introduce a gender neutral space within its stores in an effort to eradicate the already blurred lines between gender equality. The way in which this will change the way fashion is portrayed is by taking the idea of unisex clothing but adding the more effeminate and masculine aspects of fashion and creating a collaboration of the two. Many brands have already began creating this androgynous theme within their collections and I believe it is small step in the right direction as from an early age we are introduced to all these gender specific items which creates a stigma it is wrong to express yourself whether it be a male wear 'female specific' clothing, or vice versa.

Link: http://www.dazeddigital.com/fashion/article/23424/1/selfridges-will-launch-a-gender-neutral-pop-up-department

Dazed Magazine

Wednesday 28 January 2015

MACROTREND - Humanity vs Earth

When exploring my initial thoughts of what Id base my macro trends on, I noted to consider the environment as a starting point. Which led me onto close examination of the issues involved in fracking and how it has been vaguely mentioned over the past few years to be introduced to the UK. It involved the use of a collection of chemical blasted into a certain rock bed deep underground which contaminates water and the surrounding environment is also impacted by the byproduct of this process. The connections between fracking and the impact on the environment led me to also expand towards the environment as a whole, the melting of the polar icecaps, the devastating deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest and how humans are the cause of such destruction.

Friday 16 January 2015

MACROTREND - Gender Identity Within Fashion
 Rick Genest (aka Zombie Boy) and Andrej Pejic

 Andrej Pejic

Barbara Kruger (1989)

Andy Warhol in Drag (1981)

Within the media as well as the fashion industry recently, there has been an increase in addressing the issue that is gender identity as well as sexuality and self proclamation of both topics. Whether it has been the introduction of transgender models within catwalk shows, the use of both male and female models within Jeremy Scotts recent menswear collection or the likes of Andrej Pejic being identified as both genders.  The reason I decided to select this topic in regards to a macro trend was mainly because over the past decade the rise in acceptance of the LGBT community has risen to a all time high and because of this I believe it has created this wave of self expression that has caused many who felt unable to express or identify themselves. This has also became apparent in pop culture through the glamorisation of drag and controversial coverage of Bruce Jenner.

Thursday 8 January 2015

Fashion Design and Trend Prediction
New Meaning
The board above is in response to the Micro Trend 'Elemental' which is informed by the Macro Trend 'No Middle'. When looking at Elemental, I instantly began seeing links to nature and references to a none religious identity. What I also drew from the trent report was referencing to technology and how it has a negative implications on modern day lifestyles. The idea of technology progressing too rapidly and its hard to get lost in technology and to ignore our surroundings, which is making people neglect the beauty of reality. That is why I have decided upon ORGANIC as my core theme as it draws from sources such as: Earth, The Universe, Elements, Life, Higher Powers. I also see links to nature, as well as religion and technology. 
Gentle Protection

One aspect of the trend is about finding comfort within yourself spiritually and I believe the best way of representing this is through the literal sense of comfort. What better way of showing this than through chunky knit, The use of thick knitting along with neutral tones give a soothing feel. 
Exhausted Nature
Another aspect of 'Elemental' which I found interesting was the overall feel of the trend which is this theme of nature. What I have focused on here is the textures and colours which I feel could show the trend effectively, earthy tones combined with soft greys.