Friday 20 February 2015

Macro Trend - Gender Identity within Fashion
Andrej Pejic for Gaultier 2011 Paris

For obvious reasons, I decided to insert a piece about the model Andrej Pejic in regards to my main focal point, the Marco-trend 'Gender Identity within Fashion', the reason being, Pejic has been a beacon over the past year for the trans community in regards to her prolific stand within the fashion industry being a model for both menswear and womenswear for some of the biggest fashion houses of recent times. She recently decided to follow her dream of transitioning to become a the women she's always felt she was. However, as she has always been associated with being non-gender conforming (non-gender specific), I believe for future reference I should research more into the models progression into fashion and how she identifies herself in greater detail as it will be beneficial for my trend.

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