Thursday 26 February 2015

Gender Identity within Fashion 

Launching in mid-March, a concept space created by designer Faye Toogood will span three floors of our Oxford Street store, offering customers a gender neutral shopping experience complete with non-gender specific collections of clothing and accessories.

Friday 20 February 2015

Macro Trend - Gender Identity within Fashion
Andrej Pejic for Gaultier 2011 Paris

For obvious reasons, I decided to insert a piece about the model Andrej Pejic in regards to my main focal point, the Marco-trend 'Gender Identity within Fashion', the reason being, Pejic has been a beacon over the past year for the trans community in regards to her prolific stand within the fashion industry being a model for both menswear and womenswear for some of the biggest fashion houses of recent times. She recently decided to follow her dream of transitioning to become a the women she's always felt she was. However, as she has always been associated with being non-gender conforming (non-gender specific), I believe for future reference I should research more into the models progression into fashion and how she identifies herself in greater detail as it will be beneficial for my trend.

Related Articles: 

Interview with Dazed -

Friday 6 February 2015

Humanity vs Earth


Over the past few years there have been discussions within Parliament as to whether they should introduce the controversial method of extracting natural gases to create electricity that is Fracking. The main issues are the affects the process has on the surrounding area as well as the contamination of drinking water.

Water contamination due to fracking

Thursday 5 February 2015

Gender Identity Within Fashion

Yolandi Vi$$er (Pitbull Terrier Video)

Yolandi Vi$$er is a member of the South African group known as Die Antwoord, consisting of herself, Ninja and DJ HI-TECH. They created this ethos known as ZEF which is a way of thinking to them and a way of expressing their own style and take on life. What interested me about the group is that they are always finding creative ways of breaking the boundaries of fashion and their interpretive style can be translated to this idea of identity within fashion as they are always trying to strip away the humanistic physical qualities to create a alien/genderless aesthetic.

 Yolandi Vi$$er

Ninja (Fatty Boom Boom)

Gender Identity Within Fashion

 Female In A-GENDER clothing

Selfridges are to introduce a gender neutral space within its stores in an effort to eradicate the already blurred lines between gender equality. The way in which this will change the way fashion is portrayed is by taking the idea of unisex clothing but adding the more effeminate and masculine aspects of fashion and creating a collaboration of the two. Many brands have already began creating this androgynous theme within their collections and I believe it is small step in the right direction as from an early age we are introduced to all these gender specific items which creates a stigma it is wrong to express yourself whether it be a male wear 'female specific' clothing, or vice versa.


Dazed Magazine