Wednesday 28 January 2015

MACROTREND - Humanity vs Earth

When exploring my initial thoughts of what Id base my macro trends on, I noted to consider the environment as a starting point. Which led me onto close examination of the issues involved in fracking and how it has been vaguely mentioned over the past few years to be introduced to the UK. It involved the use of a collection of chemical blasted into a certain rock bed deep underground which contaminates water and the surrounding environment is also impacted by the byproduct of this process. The connections between fracking and the impact on the environment led me to also expand towards the environment as a whole, the melting of the polar icecaps, the devastating deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest and how humans are the cause of such destruction.

Friday 16 January 2015

MACROTREND - Gender Identity Within Fashion
 Rick Genest (aka Zombie Boy) and Andrej Pejic

 Andrej Pejic

Barbara Kruger (1989)

Andy Warhol in Drag (1981)

Within the media as well as the fashion industry recently, there has been an increase in addressing the issue that is gender identity as well as sexuality and self proclamation of both topics. Whether it has been the introduction of transgender models within catwalk shows, the use of both male and female models within Jeremy Scotts recent menswear collection or the likes of Andrej Pejic being identified as both genders.  The reason I decided to select this topic in regards to a macro trend was mainly because over the past decade the rise in acceptance of the LGBT community has risen to a all time high and because of this I believe it has created this wave of self expression that has caused many who felt unable to express or identify themselves. This has also became apparent in pop culture through the glamorisation of drag and controversial coverage of Bruce Jenner.

Thursday 8 January 2015

Fashion Design and Trend Prediction
New Meaning
The board above is in response to the Micro Trend 'Elemental' which is informed by the Macro Trend 'No Middle'. When looking at Elemental, I instantly began seeing links to nature and references to a none religious identity. What I also drew from the trent report was referencing to technology and how it has a negative implications on modern day lifestyles. The idea of technology progressing too rapidly and its hard to get lost in technology and to ignore our surroundings, which is making people neglect the beauty of reality. That is why I have decided upon ORGANIC as my core theme as it draws from sources such as: Earth, The Universe, Elements, Life, Higher Powers. I also see links to nature, as well as religion and technology. 
Gentle Protection

One aspect of the trend is about finding comfort within yourself spiritually and I believe the best way of representing this is through the literal sense of comfort. What better way of showing this than through chunky knit, The use of thick knitting along with neutral tones give a soothing feel. 
Exhausted Nature
Another aspect of 'Elemental' which I found interesting was the overall feel of the trend which is this theme of nature. What I have focused on here is the textures and colours which I feel could show the trend effectively, earthy tones combined with soft greys.